The game of Squash combines fitness, flexibility, and mental toughness. It is a great social sport to meet new people and get a great cardio workout all at the same time.nThe club is open to all levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced. Don’t be shy because you will definitely find someone to play with at your level. Come out and learn about the sport - rules of the game, tactics on how to play, tips on how to improve your game, and of course learning from playing with others (practice makes perfect!). Remember that this is a recreational club so we want you to come out to have fun and meet some new people!n nThere is no formal coach for this club but our team of execs includes people with a background in squash who will be around to answer any questions you may have or to get on court with you to help or play.n nEvents that the club will host:nFall and Spring Semester TournamentsnRules/Referee Clinicn2 Certified Coach lessons nClub Socialsn nMembers will get discounts in the fall and spring semester tournaments and are invited to the other events free of charge, club T-shirts and a good time making friends with whom you can play squash with even outside of squash club.
Mondays 7:30-10:00pm (WSRC Squash Courts #1-5)
Wednesdays 7:30-10:00pm (WSRC Squash Courts #1-5)
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